These exercises cover the vectors sections of Introduction to R.
Exercise 1
- Create a vector containing the values 1,2,3,4,5
- Create a vector containing the values 1 to 100
- Create a vector containing the values 0,5,10,15,20
- Create a vector containing the values 1,1,2,2,3,3
- Create a vector containing the values 1,1,5,7,9,10
Exercise 2
- Create a vector containing the values 1 to 10.
- Create a new vector with all but the first and last value.
- Create a new vector with all but the second and fifth value.
- Create a new vector of square root of the sixth and seventh position.
- Create a new vector of alternating positions in the vector 1 to 10 using another vector.
Exercise 3
- Find the number of files in the present working directory.
- Give the full path to the first file in the present working directory.
Exercise 4
- Create a vector of the gene names Gene_1, Gene_2, Gene_3, Gene_4
- Create a vector of the expression values 1000, 3000, 10000, 12000
- Create a vector of the gene lengths 100, 3000, 200, 1000
- Find the longest gene using logical expression.
- Identify genes which have a length greater than 100 and expression greater than 10000
- Calculate the expression over the gene length for all genes (Length normalised expression - LNE).
- Identify genes with a length normalised expression greater than the average