These exercises cover the sections of Introduction to R.
Exercise 1
Have a look at all files in notepad or excel before attempting to read. All files can be found in the “data” directory.
geneExpression <- read.table("../data/GeneExpression.txt",h=T,sep="\t",row.names=1)
sampleMeans <- c(mean(geneExpression[,1]),mean(geneExpression[,2]),mean(geneExpression[,3]),mean(geneExpression[,4]),mean(geneExpression[,5]),mean(geneExpression[,5]))
names(sampleMeans) <- colnames(geneExpression)
## Sample_1.hi Sample_2.hi Sample_3.hi Sample_4.low Sample_5.low
## 7.514996 6.774108 6.508127 6.262253 6.177761
## Sample_1.low
## 6.177761
# Alternatively we could use the colMeans() function.
## Sample_1.hi Sample_2.hi Sample_3.hi Sample_4.low Sample_5.low
## 7.514996 6.774108 6.508127 6.262253 6.177761
## Sample_1.low
## 6.017462
geneExpression <- read.table("../data/GeneExpressionWithMethods.txt",h=T,sep="\t",row.names=1,skip=3)
## Sample_1.hi Sample_2.hi Sample_3.hi Sample_4.low Sample_5.low
## Gene_a 5.742510 3.214303 4.116820 3.212353 5.742333
## Gene_b 6.444368 5.896076 2.592581 5.089549 3.624812
## Gene_c 3.083392 3.414723 3.706069 4.535536 5.104273
## Gene_d 4.726498 3.023746 3.033173 8.017895 8.098800
## Gene_e 9.909185 9.174323 9.957153 2.053501 3.276533
## Gene_f 10.680459 9.951243 8.985412 3.360963 3.566663
## Gene_g 10.516534 10.176163 9.778173 11.781520 9.005437
## Gene_h 9.017020 9.342291 9.895636 12.046704 11.003240
## Sample_1.low
## Gene_a 5.9350948
## Gene_b 2.6313925
## Gene_c 5.7149521
## Gene_d 8.1964109
## Gene_e 0.7332521
## Gene_f 3.8519471
## Gene_g 11.1733928
## Gene_h 9.9032500
geneExpression <- read.table("../data/GeneExpressionWithNotes.txt",h=T,sep="\t",row.names=1,comment.char = ">")
## Sample_1.hi Sample_2.hi Sample_3.hi Sample_4.low Sample_5.low
## Gene_a 5.742510 3.214303 4.116820 3.212353 5.742333
## Gene_b 6.444368 5.896076 2.592581 5.089549 3.624812
## Gene_c 3.083392 3.414723 3.706069 4.535536 5.104273
## Gene_d 4.726498 3.023746 3.033173 8.017895 8.098800
## Gene_e 9.909185 9.174323 9.957153 2.053501 3.276533
## Gene_f 10.680459 9.951243 8.985412 3.360963 3.566663
## Gene_g 10.516534 10.176163 9.778173 11.781520 9.005437
## Gene_h 9.017020 9.342291 9.895636 12.046704 11.003240
## Sample_1.low
## Gene_a 5.9350948
## Gene_b 2.6313925
## Gene_c 5.7149521
## Gene_d 8.1964109
## Gene_e 0.7332521
## Gene_f 3.8519471
## Gene_g 11.1733928
## Gene_h 9.9032500
geneExpression <- read.table("../data/GeneExpression.txt",h=T,sep="\t",row.names=1)
orderedExpression <- geneExpression[order(geneExpression$Sample_1.hi,decreasing=T),]
expressionDF <- cbind(rownames(orderedExpression),orderedExpression)
colnames(expressionDF)[1] <- "geneNames"
write.table(expressionDF,"orderedExpression.txt",sep=",",col.names = T,row.names=F)